Every Monday evening, everyone is invited to begin their week with a relaxed and mindful hour dedicated to:

•Remembering gratitude for this one precious life;

•Gathering in spiritual friendship;

• Practicing the Buddha’s path of liberation from mental habits that create stress, disease, relationship problems, societal breakdown, and block a free-flowing, creative and happy life.

In 2024, we are focusing each Monday evening on understanding and developing radiant-warmheartedness, or what the Buddha called “metta.”

"The ultimate source of happiness is not money and power, but warm-heartedness," says His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

Using the Budda’s great poem about love, The Metta Sutta, as our foundation, we are exploring fresh ways to understand—through experience—the human heart as radiant warm-heartedness, and how to live each day as that love.

Throughout the year, we are also inviting teachers from a variety of spiritual traditions to explain their understanding of the human heart, and of love.

Monday Friends is always free and open to everyone—drop in any time!

On Zoom from 7 to 8 PM CDT, every Monday.

See below for all Zoom links & codes.

CLICK HERE to receive to the Monday Morning email practice reminder each week.

CLICK HERE for audio recordings of past sessions, including the guided meditations.

CLICK HERE for “A Daily Life Meditation Checklist,” Sayadaw U Tejaniya’s “awareness of mind” distilled into 12 steps.

The regular Monday Friends meeting includes:
• Generous time to settle, realign, and relax • Remembering our highest spiritual intentions
• A slow and gentle 45-minute guided insight meditation 
• Fifteen minutes of sharing and Q&A • One silent meditation every six weeks

To receive a Monday morning email describing that evening’s meditation theme, click here.

The Monday Friends meetings are wholly appropriate for anyone to drop in any time.

Questions? Drop me a note at

To Join the Monday Friends Zoom Meeting Any Monday at 7 PM CDT:

Meeting ID: 643 865 6112
Passcode: 388022
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Meeting ID: 643 865 6112
Passcode: 388022
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